An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the only things that are forever true.


A Course In Miracles (Course on forgiveness based on Christianity, Eastern philosophy)

Author's website:


This instant is the only time there is.


A Course In Miracles (Course on forgiveness based on Christianity, Eastern philosophy)

Author's website:


Each day can be one of triumph if you keep up your interests.


George M. Adams (1878-1962, American author)


If it were not for the presents, an elopement would be preferable.


George Ade (1866-1944, American humorist, playwright)


labor not after riches first, and think thou afterwards wilt enjoy them. He who neglecteth the present moment, throweth away all that he hath. As the arrow passeth through the heart, while the warrior knew not that it was


Akhenaton (1375 BC, Egyptian king, monotheist)


Showing up is 80 percent of life.


Woody Allen (1935-, American director, screenwriter, actor, comedian)


The idea of "twenty-four-hour living" applies primarily to the emotional life of the individual. Emotionally speaking, we must not live in yesterday, nor in tomorrow.


As Bill Sees It


Confine yourself to the present


Marcus Aurelius (121-12180, Roman emperor, philosopher)


It is not the weight of the future or the past that is pressing upon you, but ever that of the present alone. Even this burden, too, can be lessened if you confine it strictly to its own limits.


Marcus Aurelius (121-12180, Roman emperor, philosopher)


The sole life which a man can lose is that which he is living at the moment.


Marcus Aurelius (121-12180, Roman emperor, philosopher)


To live each day as though one's last, never flustered, never apathetic, never attitudinizing, is perfection of character.


Marcus Aurelius (121-12180, Roman emperor, philosopher)


Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.


Francis Bacon (1561-1626, British philosopher, essayist, statesman)


A player's effectiveness is directly related to his ability to be right there, doing that thing, in the moment.... He can't be worrying about the past or the future or the crowd or some other extraneous event. He must be able to respond in the here and now.


John Brodie


Still on it creeps; Each little moment at another's heels; Till hours, days, years, and ages are made up of such small parts as these, and men look back Worn and bewilder'd, wondering how it is.


Joanna Baillie (1762-1851, British Romantic writer)


There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now.


James Baldwin (1924-1987, American author)


The pleasure we derive from the representation of the present is due, not only to the beauty it can be clothed in, but also to its essential quality of being the present.


Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867, French poet)


We steal if we touch tomorrow. It is God's.


Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887, American preacher, orator, writer)


The past is our very being.


David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973, Polish-born Israeli Prime Minister)


A sense of the value of time... is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry.


Arnold Bennett (1867-1931, British novelist)


Who cares about great marks left hind? We have one life... Just one. it life. We have nothing else.


Ugo Betti


It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.


Jim Bishop


I never use notes, they interfere with me.


Ken Blanchard (American business lecturer, author)

Author's website:


One of these days is none of these days.


H.G. Bohn


Forget the past and live the present hour.


Sarah Knowles Bolton


You may ask me for anything you like except time.


Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821, French general, emperor)


Today is unique. Don't let its wonderful moments go by unnoticed and unused.


Pat Boone (1934-, American country singer)


It is a mark of soulfulness to be present in the here and now. When we are present, we are not fabricating inner movies. We are seeing what is before us.


John Bradshaw (American author, lecturer, leading expert, recovery & dysfunctional families)


Very strange is this quality of our human nature which decrees that unless we feel a future before us we do not live completely in the present.


Phillips Brooks (1835-1893, American minister, poet)


So often we rob tomorrow's memories by today's economies.


John Mason Brown (1800-1859, American militant abolitionist)


And each man stands with his face in the light of his own drawn sword. Ready to do what a hero can.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861, British poet)


T'were too absurd to slight for the hereafter, the day's delight!


Robert Browning (1812-1889, British poet)


Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time we've got.


Art Buchwald


Do not live in the past, do not live in the future; concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Buddha (568-488 BC, Indian born, founder of Buddhism)


The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.


Buddha (568-488 BC, Indian born, founder of Buddhism)


It takes one hour of preparation for each minute of presentation time.


Wayne Burgraff


We are involved in a life that passes understanding: our highest business is our daily life.


John Cage (1912-1992, American composer)


Life in the twentieth century undeniably has... such richness, joy and adventure as were unknown to our ancestors except in their dreams.


Arthur H. Campton


Every minute of life carries with it its miraculous value, and its face of eternal youth.


Albert Camus (1913-1960, French existential writer)


A theme is a memory aid, it helps you through the presentation just as it also provides the thread of continuity for your audience.


Dave Carey


There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.


George Carlin (1937-, American stage and television comedian)


Here hath been dawning another blue day: think, wilt thou let it slip useless away?


Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881, Scottish philosopher, author)


The Present is the living sum-total of the whole Past.


Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881, Scottish philosopher, author)


We were wise indeed, could we discern truly the signs of our own time; and by knowledge of its wants and advantages, wisely adjust our own position in it. Let us, instead of gazing idly into the obscure distance, look calmly around us, for a little, on the perplexed scene where we stand. Perhaps, on a more serious inspection, something of its perplexity will disappear, some of its distinctive characters and deeper tendencies more clearly reveal themselves; whereby our own relations to it, our own true aims and endeavors in it, may also become clearer.


Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881, Scottish philosopher, author)


Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.


Dale Carnegie (1888-1955, American trainer, author, "How to Win Friends and Influence People")


There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.


Dale Carnegie (1888-1955, American trainer, author, "How to Win Friends and Influence People")


Today is life -- the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.


Dale Carnegie (1888-1955, American trainer, author, "How to Win Friends and Influence People")


Right now a moment of time is passing by! We must become that moment.


Paul Cezanne (1839-1906. French painter)


We live in the present, we dream of the future and we learn eternal truths from the past.


Madame Chiang Kai-Shek (1898-2003, Wife of Chinese revolutionary leader Chiang Kai-Shek)


The laboring man and the artificer knows what every hour of his time is worth, and parts not with it but for the full value.


Lord Clarendon


Life is only this place, this time, and these people right here and now.


Vincent Collins


Men spend their lives in anticipation, in determining to be vastly happy at some period when they have time. But the present time has one advantage over every other -- it is our own.... We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer the tasting of them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age.


Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832, British sportsman writer)


Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


Confucius (BC 551-479, Chinese ethical teacher, philosopher)


The present is all the ready money we can give.


Abraham Cowley (1618-1667, British poet)


The present is an eternal now.


Abraham Cowley (1618-1667, British poet)


The cares of today are seldom those of tomorrow.


William Cowper (1731-1800, British poet)


In the present, every day is a miracle.


James G. Cozzens (1903-1978, American novelist)


No one can remember more than three points.


Philip Crosby


The audience only pays attention as long as you know where you are going.


Philip Crosby


The water you touch in a river is the last of what has passed, and the first of what is coming. Thus, it is with present time.


Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italian inventor, architect, painter, scientist, sculptor)


We work not only to produce, but to give value to time.


Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863, French artist)


Ask yourself, "If I had only sixty seconds on the stage, what would I absolutely have to say to get my message across.”


Jeff Dewar


Sunrise: day's great progenitor.


Emily Dickinson (1830-1886, American poet)


To live is so starling it leaves little time for anything else.


Emily Dickinson (1830-1886, American poet)


There is one thing we can do, and the happiest people are those who do it to the limit of their ability. We can be completely present. We can be all here. We can... give all our attention to the opportunity before us.


Mark Van Doren (1894-1972, American poet, critic)


If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year.... Today should always be our most wonderful day.


Thomas Dreier


The best preparation for a better life next year is a full, complete, harmonious, joyous life this year.


Thomas Dreier


Now is all we have. Everything that has ever happened to you, and anything that is ever going to happen to you, is just a thought.


Wayne Dyer (1940-, American  psychotherapist, author, lecturer)

Author's website:


Present-moment living, getting in touch with your "now," is at the heart of effective living. When you think about it, there really is no other moment you can live. Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives. One thing is certain, you cannot live it until it does appear.


Wayne Dyer (1940-, American  psychotherapist, author, lecturer)

Author's website:


Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.


Wayne Dyer (1940-, American  psychotherapist, author, lecturer)

Author's website:


The more I give myself permission to live in the moment and enjoy it without feeling guilty or judgmental about any other time, the better I feel about the quality of my work.


Wayne Dyer (1940-, American  psychotherapist, author, lecturer)

Author's website:


There exists only the present instant...a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.


Meister Eckhart (1260-1326, German mystic)


To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.


Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910, American founder of the Christian Science Church)


Do you know that disease and death must needs overtake us, no matter what we are doing?... What do you wish to be doing when it overtakes you? If you have anything better to be doing when you are so overtaken, get to work on that.


Epictetus (50-138, Phrygian philosopher)


Do you know that disease and death must needs overtake us, no matter what we are doing?... What do you wish to be doing when it overtakes you? If you have anything better to be doing when you are so overtaken, get to work on that.


Epictetus (50-138, Phrygian philosopher)


It is no easy thing for a principle to become a man's own unless each day he maintains it and works it out in his life.


Epictetus (50-138, Phrygian philosopher)


Time past and time future what might have been and what has been point to one end, which is always present.


T. S. Eliot (1888-1965, American-born British poet, critic)


Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two. This you cannot do without temperance.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


Give me insight into today and you may have the antique and future worlds.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


God had infinite time to give us.... He cut it up into a near succession of new mornings, and, with each, therefore, a new idea, new inventions, and new applications.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


The present is an edifice which God cannot rebuild.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


Those who live to the future must always appear selfish to those who live to the present.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


Today is a king in disguise.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


We can see well into the past; we can guess shrewdly in to the future; but that which is rolled up and muffled in impenetrable folds is today.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


Who loses a day loses life.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


The flesh endures the storms of the present alone, the mind those of the past and future as well.


Epicurus (c.341-270 BC, Greek philosopher)


The man least dependent upon the morrow goes to meet the morrow most cheerfully.


Epicurus (c.341-270 BC, Greek philosopher)


Enjoy yourself, drink, call the life you live today your own -- but only that; the rest belongs to chance.


Euripides (BC 480-406, Greek tragic poet)


No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.


Euripides (BC 480-406, Greek tragic poet)


If we only knew the real value of a day.


Joseph Farrell


Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine.


William Feather (1888-19, American writer, businessman)


To be seeing the world made new every morning, as if it were the morning of the first day, and then to make the most of it for the individual soul as if each were the last day, is the daily curriculum of the mind's desire.


John Huston Finley (1904-1995, American classicist)


Life is now... this day, this hour... and is probably the only experience of the kind one is to have.


Charles Macomb Flandrau


Getting fit is a political act you are taking charge of your life.


Jane Fonda (1937-, American screen actor)


We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's damn is the history we make today.


Henry Ford (1863-1947, American industrialist, founder of Ford Motor Company)


The here-and-now is no mere filling of time, but a filling of time with God.


John W. Foster (1770-1843, British clergyman, essayist)


One today is worth two tomorrows.


Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790, American scientist, publisher, diplomat)


In the nineteenth century the problem was that God is dead. In the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead.


Erich Fromm (1900-1980, American psychologist)


Spill not the morning in recreations, for sleep is a recreation. Add not, therefore, sauce to sauce.... Pastime, like wine, is poison in the morning. It is then good husbandry to sow the head, which hath lain fallow all night, with some serious work.


Thomas Fuller (1608-1661, British clergyman, author)


Today is yesterday's pupil.


Thomas Fuller (1608-1661, British clergyman, author)


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