An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





I am my brother's keeper, and he's sleeping pretty rough these days.


Archbishop Derek Worlock


No man can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.


Woodrow T. Wilson (1856-1924, American President (28th))


Empty pockets make empty heads.


William Carlos Williams (1883-1963, American poet, novelist)


In going to America one learns that poverty is not a necessary accompaniment to civilization.


Oscar Wilde (1856-1900, British author, wit)


As for the virtuous poor, one can pity them, of course, but one cannot possibly admire them. They have made private terms with the enemy, and sold their birthright for very bad pottage. They must also be extraordinarily stupid.


Oscar Wilde (1856-1900, British author, wit)


Who, being loved, is poor?


Oscar Wilde (1856-1900, British author, wit)


What a devil art thou, Poverty! How many desires -- how many aspirations after goodness and truth -- how many noble thoughts, loving wishes toward our fellows, beautiful imaginings thou hast crushed under thy heel, without remorse or pause!


Walt Whitman (1819-1892, American poet)


At present cats have more purchasing power and influence than the poor of this planet. Accidents of geography and colonial history should no longer determine who gets the fish.


Derek Wall


As poverty has been reduced in terms of mere survival, it has become more profound in terms of our way of life.


Raoul Vaneigem (1934-, Belgian situationist philosopher)


He who is ashamed of his poverty would be equally proud of his wealth.


Author Unknown


Poverty has no greater foe than bashfulness.


Author Unknown


The poorest man in the world is not a man without a cent to his name, but it's the man who does not have a dream.


Author Unknown


When poverty comes in the door love flies out the window.


Author Unknown


Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a state of mind.


Mike Todd (1909-1958, American showman)


I've never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation


Mike Todd (1909-1958, American showman)


Give me the poverty that enjoys true wealth.


Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862, American essayist, poet, naturalist)


Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)

Source: Proverbs 28:6


Blessed is he that considereth the poor.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)

Source: Psalms 41.1


He that has pity on the poor lends to the Lord.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)


The destruction of the poor is their poverty.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)


The poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)

Source: Ecclesiastes 9:16


The poor will always be with you.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)

Source: John 12: 8


Who ever mocks the poor insults his maker; and he that is glad at calamities shall not go unpunished.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)


Whoever shuts his ears at the cry of the poor, they also shall cry themselves, but not be heard.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)


No one is poor who does not think they are, however, if in prosperity with impatience they desire more, and proclaim their wants they disclose their beggarly condition.


Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667, British churchman, writer)


Virtue often trips and falls over the sharp edge of poverty.


Eugene Sue


America is an enormous frosted cupcake in the middle of millions of starving people.


Gloria Steinem (1934-, American feminist writer, editor)


Grant me the treasure of sublime poverty: permit the distinctive sign of our order to be that it does not possess anything of its own beneath the sun, for the glory of your name, and that it have no other patrimony than begging.


St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226,  Italian preacher, founder of The Franciscan Orde)


I believe the war on poverty is a more American idea than the war on the war on poverty. I believe that most people feel like that.  And I believe that it ain't over till it's over.


Bruce Springsteen (1949-, American musician, singer, songwriter)


Poverty is no disgrace to a man, but it is confoundedly inconvenient.


Sydney Smith (1771-1845, British writer, clergyman)


The greatest evils and the worst of crimes is poverty; our first duty, a duty to which every other consideration should be sacrificed, is not to be poor.


George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950, Irish-born British dramatist)


Poverty does not produce unhappiness: It produces degradation.


George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950, Irish-born British dramatist)


The seven deadly sins... food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted.


George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950, Irish-born British dramatist)


O world, how apt the poor are to be proud!


William Shakespeare (1564-1616, British poet, playwright, actor)


Not he who has little, but he who wishes more, is poor.


Marcus Annaeus Seneca (BC 3-65 AD, Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman)


There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not know it will never be rich.


Marcus Annaeus Seneca (BC 3-65 AD, Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman)


The rich become richer and the poor become poorer is a cry heard throughout the whole civilized world.


Johann Friedrich Von Schiller (1759-1805, German dramatist, poet, historian)


When the rich wage war it is the poor who die.


Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980, French writer, philosopher)


The forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid.


Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945, American President (32nd))


Wealth is conspicuous, but poverty hides.


James Reston (1909-1995, Dutch-born American journalist)


What we have found in this country, and maybe we're more aware of it now, is one problem that we've had, even in the best of times, and that is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless, you might say, by choice.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


The poorest He that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest He.


Thomas Raineborough


If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.


Yiddish Proverb (Sayings of Yiddish origin)


True poverty does not come from God.


Yiddish Proverb (Sayings of Yiddish origin)


The poor lack much, but the greedy lack more.


Swiss Proverb


A poor man is all schemes.


Spanish Proverb (Sayings of Spanish origin)


Poor is the person who does not know when he has had enough. He who talks to a silent listener will soon stand naked.


Japanese Proverb (Sayings of Japanese origin)


The poorhouse is full of honest people.


Italian Proverb (Sayings of Italian origin)


Poverty is a wonderful thing. It sticks to a man after all his friends have forsaken him.


Hebrew Proverb (Sayings of Hebrew origin)


Painless poverty is better than embittered wealth.


Greek Proverb (Sayings of Greek  origin)


Poverty is no vice, but an inconvenience.


English Proverb (Sayings of British origin)


Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.


English Proverb (Sayings of British origin)


In a change of masters the poor change nothing except their master's name.


Phaedrus (c.1-?, Macedonian inventor and writer)


As society advances the standard of poverty rises.


Theodore Parker (1810-1860, American minister)


The poor man needs not a program, not a plan, just food and a home.


Dorothy Parker (1893-1967, American humorous writer)


You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money.


P. J. O'Rourke (1947-, American journalist)


Poverty keeps together more homes than it breaks up.


Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916, British novelist, writer)


Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.


Mother Teresa (1910-1997, Albanian-born Roman Catholic missionary)


The poor are our brothers and sisters.... They are the people in the world who need love, who need care, who have to be wanted.


Mother Teresa (1910-1997, Albanian-born Roman Catholic missionary)


The poor would never be able to live at all if it were not for the poor.


George Moore (1852-1933, Irish writer)


Poverty of goods is easily cured; poverty of the mind is irreparable.


Michel Eyquem De Montaigne (1533-1592, French philosopher, essayist)


He who knows how to be poor knows everything.


Jules Michelet (1798-1874, French historian)


In verity we are the poor. This humanity we would claim for ourselves is the legacy, not only of the Enlightenment, but of the thousands and thousands of European peasants and poor townspeople who came here bringing their humanity and their sufferings with them. It is the absence of a stable upper class that is responsible for much of the vulgarity of the American scene. Should we blush before the visitor for this deficiency?


Mary McCarthy (1912-1989, American author, critic)


I worked myself up from nothing to extreme poverty.


Groucho Marx (1895-1977, American comic actor)


I know a fellow who's as broke as the Ten Commandments.


John Marquand (1893-1960, American author)


What power can poverty have over a home where loving hearts are beating with a consciousness of untold riches of the head and heart?


Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924, American author, founder of Success Magazine)


Hard as it may appear in individual cases, dependent poverty ought to be held disgraceful.


Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834, British economist)


Poor is the man who does not know his own intrinsic worth and tends to measure everything by relative value. A man of financial wealth who values himself by his financial net worth is poorer than a poor man who values himself by his intrinsic self worth.


Sidney Madwed


Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.


Madonna (1958-, American musician, singer, actress,)


The poor too often turn away, unheard, from hearts that shut against them with a snap that will be heard in heaven.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1819-1892, American poet)


Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.


Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865, American President (16th))


Poverty is not the root cause of crime.


Rush Limbaugh (1951-, American TV personality)


Show me a man with very little money and I will show you a bum.


Joe E. Lewis (American writer)


I wasn't born in a log cabin, but my family moved into one as soon as they could afford it.


Melville D. Landon


Only in relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction and certainly not in isolation. The movement of behavior is the sure guide to yourself. It's the mirror of your consciousness: this mirror will reveal its content, the images, the attachments, the fears, the loneliness, the joys and sorrow. Poverty lies in running away from this, either in its sublimations or its identities.


Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986, Indian theosophist)


You don't seem to realize that a poor person who is unhappy is in a better position than a rich person who is unhappy. Because the poor person has hope. He thinks money would help.


Jean Kerr (1923-, American author, playwright)


If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.


John F. Kennedy (1917-1963, American President (35th))


The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who without a dream.


Harry Kemp


A man who has nothing can whistle in a robber's face.


(Decimus Junius Juvenalis) Juvenal (c.55-c.130, Roman satirical poet)


Here we all live in a state of ambitious poverty.


(Decimus Junius Juvenalis) Juvenal (c.55-c.130, Roman satirical poet)


It is the great privilege of poverty to be happy and yet unenvied, to be healthy with physic, secure without a guard, and to obtain from the bounty of nature what the great and wealthy are compelled to procure by the help of art.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Nature makes us poor only when we want necessaries, but custom gives the name of poverty to the want of superfluities.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Resolve not to be poor: whatever you have, spend less. Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty, and it makes some virtues impracticable, and others extremely difficult.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


This mournful truth is everywhere confessed, slow rises worth by poverty depressed.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


It is easy enough to say that poverty is no crime. No; if it were men wouldn't be ashamed of it. It is a blunder, though, and is punished as such. A poor man is despised the whole world over.


Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927, British humorous writer, novelist, playwright)


We have grown literally afraid to be poor. We despise anyone who elects to be poor in order to simplify and save his inner life. If he does not join the general scramble and pant with the money-making street, we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition.


William James (1842-1910, American psychologist, professor, author)


Do not ask the name of the person who seeks a bed for the night. He who is reluctant to give his name is the one who most needs shelter.


Victor Hugo (1802-1885, French poet, dramatist, novelist)


It is no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.


Kin Hubbard (1868-1930, American humorist, journalist)


In America today, we are nearer a final triumph over poverty than is any other land.


Herbert Clark Hoover (1874-1964, American President (31st))


We have not yet reached the goal but.. we shall soon, with the help of God, be in sight of the day when poverty shall be banished from this nation.


Herbert Clark Hoover (1874-1964, American President (31st))


Oh, God! that bread should be so dear! And flesh and blood so cheap!


Thomas Hood (1799-1845, British poet and humorist)


Poverty must have many satisfactions, else there would not be so many poor people.


Don Herold


I want there to be no peasant in my kingdom so poor that he cannot have a chicken in his pot every Sunday.


Henry IV (1366-1413, British king from 1399-1413)


You lose your manners when you're poor.


Lillian Hellman (1905-1984, American playwright)


Poverty in itself does not make men into a rabble; a rabble is created only when there is joined to poverty a disposition of mind, an inner indignation against the rich, against society, against the government.


Georg Hegel (1770-1831, German philosopher)


That the poor are invisible is one of the most important things about them. They are not simply neglected and forgotten as in the old rhetoric of reform; what is much worse, they are not seen.


Michael Harrington


The best way to help poor people is to not be one of them.


Bob Harrington (American minister of "Chaplain Of Bourbon Street")


Too poor for a bribe, and too proud to importune, he had not the method of making a fortune.


Thomas Gray (1716-1771, British poet)


Poverty robs one of the right to be generous.


George Giving


Four specters haunt the Poor -- Old Age, Accident, Sickness and Unemployment. We are going to exorcise them. We are going to drive hunger from the hearth. We mean to banish the workhouse from the horizon of every workman in the land.


David Lloyd George (1863-1945, British Prime Minister)


Poverty is uncomfortable; but 9 times out of 10 the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and be compelled to sink or swim.


James A. Garfield (1831-1881, American President (20th))


For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred.


John W. Gardner (1912-2002, American educator, social activist)


Poverty is the worst form of violence.


Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948, Indian political, spiritual leader)


Poor men's reasons are not heard.


Thomas Fuller (1608-1661, British clergyman, author)


Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is.


Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790, American scientist, publisher, diplomat)


I thank fate for having made me born poor. Poverty taught me the true value of the gifts useful to life.


Anatole France (1844-1924, French writer)


The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor, to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread.


Anatole France (1844-1924, French writer)


We are not concerned with the very poor. They are unthinkable, and only to be approached by the statistician or the poet.


Edward M. Forster (1879-1970, British novelist, essayist)


It is a sin to be poor.


Charles Fillmore (American co-founder of Unity School of Christianity)


I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn't poor, I was needy. Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy. I was deprived. (Oh not deprived but rather underprivileged.) Then they told me that underprivileged was overused. I was disadvantaged. I still don't have a dime. But I have a great vocabulary.


Jules Feiffer (1929-, American cartoonist)


There's no scandal like rags, nor any crime so shameful as poverty.


George Farquhar (c.1677-1707, Irish playwright)


There's no scandal like rags, nor any crime so shameful as poverty.


George Farquhar (c.1677-1707, Irish playwright)


Poverty consist in feeling poor.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


I have found out in later years that my family was very poor, but the glory of America is that we didn't know it. [On his childhood]


Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969, American President (34th))


One of the strangest things about life is that the poor, who need the money the most, are the ones that never have it.


Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936, American journalist, humorist)


To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.


William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868-1963, American historian, educator, writer, journalist)


To be shelterless and alone in the open country, hearing the wind moan and watching for day through the whole long weary night; to listen to the falling rain, and crouch for warmth beneath the lee of some old barn or rick, or in the hollow of a tree; are dismal things -- but not so dismal as the wandering up and down where shelter is, and beds and sleepers are by thousands; a houseless rejected creature.


Charles Dickens (1812-1870, British novelist)


The poverty from which I have suffered could be diagnosed as "Soho" poverty. It comes from having the airs and graces of a genius and no talent.


Quentin Crisp (1908-1999, British author)


In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of.


Confucius (BC 551-479, Chinese ethical teacher, philosopher)


The poorest man would not part with health for money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money for health.


Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832, British sportsman writer)


To suppose such a thing possible as a society, in which men, who are able and willing to work, cannot support their families, and ought, with a great part of the women, to be compelled to lead a life of celibacy, for fear of having children to be starved; to suppose such a thing possible is monstrous.


William Cobbett (1762-1835, British journalist, reformer)


The hermit doesn't sleep at night, in love with the blue of the vacant moon. The cool of the breeze that rustles the trees rustles him too.


Ching-An (Chinese book)


The honest poor can sometimes forget poverty. The honest rich can never forget it.


Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936, British author)


Poverty, of course, is no disgrace, but it is damned annoying.


William Pitt Chatham (1708 -1778, British statesman)


There's a point of poverty at which the spirit isn't with the body all the time. It finds the body really too unbearable. So it's almost as if you were talking to the soul itself. And a soul's not properly responsible.


Louis-Ferdinand Celine (1894-1961, French author)


The Poor Man whom everyone speaks of, the Poor Man whom everyone pities, one of the repulsive Poor from whom "charitable" souls keep their distance, he has still said nothing. Or, rather, he has spoken through the voice of Victor Hugo, Zola, Richepin. At least, they said so. And these shameful impostures fed their authors. Cruel irony, the Poor Man tormented with hunger feeds those who plead his case.


Albert Camus (1913-1960, French existential writer)


When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist.


Dom H. Camara


A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich; a sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong; thou shalt be served thyself by every sense of service which thou renderest.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861, British poet)


Poverty makes you sad as well as wise.


Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956, German dramatist, poet)


The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man. There is no place in a fanatic's head where reason can enter. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.


Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821, French general, emperor)


I am a poor man, but I have this consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design.


Josh Billings (1815-1885, American humorist, lecturer)


Poverty is the step-mother of genius.


Josh Billings (1815-1885, American humorist, lecturer)


Remember the poor, it costs nothing.


Josh Billings (1815-1885, American humorist, lecturer)


A poor man with nothing in his belly needs hope, illusion, more than bread.


Georges Bernanos (1888-1948, French novelist, political writer)


The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich. Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied but written off as trash. The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing.


John Berger (1926-, British actor, critic)


Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.


Walter Bagehot (1826-1977, British economist, critic)


Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.


Aristotle (BC 384-322, Greek philosopher)


When there is no middle class, and the poor greatly exceed in number, troubles arise, and the state soon comes to an end.


Aristotle (BC 384-322, Greek philosopher)


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