An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





The ordinary politician has a very low estimate of human nature. In his daily life he comes into contact chiefly with persons who want to get something or to avoid something. Beyond this circle of seekers after privileges, individuals and organized minorities, he is aware of a large unorganized, indifferent mass of citizens who ask nothing in particular and rarely complain. The politician comes after a while to think that the art of politics is to satisfy the seekers after favors and to mollify the inchoate mass with noble sentiments and patriotic phrases.


Walter Lippmann (1889-1974, American journalist)


Politicians say they're beefing up our economy. Most don't know beef from pork.


Hariold Lowman


Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly, without a free struggle of opinion, life dies out in every public institution, becomes a mere semblance of life, in which only the bureaucracy remains as the active element. Public life gradually falls asleep, a few dozen party leaders of inexhaustible energy and boundless experience direct and rule. Such conditions must inevitably cause a brutalization of public life: attempted assassinations, shootings of hostages, etc.


Rosa Luxemburg (1870-1919, German revolutionary)


As usual the Liberals offer a mixture of sound and original ideas. Unfortunately, none of the sound ideas is original and none of the original ideas is sound.


Harold MacMillan (1894-1986, British Prime Minister)


At home you always have to be a politician. When you're abroad you almost feel yourself a statesman.


Harold MacMillan (1894-1986, British Prime Minister)


The first requirement of politics is not intellect or stamina but patience. Politics is a very long run game and the tortoise will usually beat the hare.


John Major (1943-, British Prime Minister)


The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.


John Major (1943-, British Prime Minister)


Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.


Zedong Mao (1893-1976, Founder of the People's Republic of China)


Did you ever notice that when a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong.


Don Marquis (1878-1937, American humorist, journalist)


Politics doesn't make strange bedfellows, marriage does.


Groucho Marx (1895-1977, American comic actor)


As in private life one differentiates between what a man thinks and says of himself and what he really is and does, so in historical struggles, one must still more distinguish the language and the imaginary aspirations of parties from their real organism and their real interests, their conception of themselves from their reality.


Karl Marx (1818-1883, German political theorist, social philosopher)


In the domain of Political Economy, free scientific inquiry meets not merely the same enemies as in all other domains. The peculiar nature of the material it deals with, summons as foes into the field of battle the most violent, mean and malignant passions of the human beast, the Furies of private interest.


Karl Marx (1818-1883, German political theorist, social philosopher)


The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.


Karl Marx (1818-1883, German political theorist, social philosopher)


The Tories in England had long imagined that they were enthusiastic about the monarchy, the church and beauties of the old English Constitution, until the day of danger wrung from them the confession that they are enthusiastic only about rent.


Karl Marx (1818-1883, German political theorist, social philosopher)


A man who is a politician at forty is a statesman at three score and ten. It is at this age, when he would be too old to be a clerk or a gardener or a police-court magistrate, that he is ripe to govern a country.


W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965, British novelist, playwright)


It is unfair to expect a politician to live in private up to the statements he makes in public.


W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965, British novelist, playwright)


It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.


Eugene J. Mccarthy (1916-, American politician)


One thing about a pig, he thinks he's warm if his nose is warm. I saw a bunch of pigs one time that had frozen together in a rosette, each one's nose tucked under the rump of the one in front. We have a lot of pigs in politics.


Eugene J. Mccarthy (1916-, American politician)


The two-party system has given this country the war of Lyndon Johnson, the Watergate of Nixon, and the incompetence of Carter. Saying we should keep the two-party system simply because it is working is like saying the Titanic voyage was a success because a few people survived on life-rafts.


Eugene J. Mccarthy (1916-, American politician)


In politics, it seems, retreat is honorable if dictated by military considerations and shameful if even suggested for ethical reasons.


Mary McCarthy (1912-1989, American author, critic)


Politics is the enemy of the imagination.


Ian McEwan (1948-, British author)


Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image, because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be.


Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980, Canadian communications theorist)


A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar.


H. L. Mencken (1880-1956, American editor, author, critic, humorist)


Nothing is so abject and pathetic as a politician who has lost his job, save only a retired stud-horse.


H. L. Mencken (1880-1956, American editor, author, critic, humorist)


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed [and Hence Clamorous To Be Led To Safety] by an endless series of hobgoblins.


H. L. Mencken (1880-1956, American editor, author, critic, humorist)


A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.


John Stuart Mill (1806-1873, British philosopher, economist)


Without alienation, there can be no politics.


Arthur Miller (1915-, American dramatist)


One has to be a lowbrow, a bit of a murderer, to be a politician, ready and willing to see people sacrificed, slaughtered, for the sake of an idea, whether a good one or a bad one.


Henry Miller (1891-1980, American author)


Although he's regularly asked to do so, God does not take sides in American politics.


George J. Mitchell


Political image is like mixing cement. When it's wet, you can move it around and shape it, but at some point it hardens and there's almost nothing you can do to reshape it.


Walter F. Mondale (1928-, American Vice-President (1977--81))


Hell hath no fury like a crooked politician denied his cut.


Benjamin J. Montalbano


In politics the choice is constantly between two evils.


John Morley (1838-1923, British journalist, biographer, statesman)


We all know that Prime Ministers are wedded to the truth, but like other wedded couples they sometimes live apart.


Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916, British novelist, writer)


When you've got them by their wallets, their hearts and minds will follow.


Fern Naito


The Empress is legitimate, my cousin is Republican, Morny is Orleanist, I am a socialist; the only Bonapartist is Persigny, and he is mad.


Napoleon III (1808-1873, French president, third son of Louis Bonaparte,)


Whether elected or appointed he considers himself the Lord's anointed, and indeed the ointment lingers on him so thick you can't get your fingers on him.


Ogden Nash (1902-1971, American humorous poet)


Bad officials are the ones elected by good citizens who do not vote.


George Jean Nathan (1882-1958, American critic)


The newspaper reader says: this party will ruin itself if it makes errors like this. My higher politics says: a party which makes errors like this is already finished -- it is no longer secure in its instincts.


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher)


I am not a crook.


Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994, American President (37th))


I played by the rules of politics as I found them.


Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994, American President (37th))


Nobody is a friend of ours. Let's face it.


Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994, American President (37th))


Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.


John Quinton


The one thing sure about politics is that what goes up comes down and what goes down often comes up.


Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994, American President (37th))


It is far easier for the proverbial camel to pass through the needle's eye, hump and all, than for an erstwhile colonial administration to give sound and honest counsel of a political nature to its liberated territory.


Kwame Nkrumah (Leader of Ghana's fight for independence)


Beware the politically obsessed. They are often bright and interesting, but they have something missing in their natures; there is a hole, an empty place, and they use politics to fill it up. It leaves them somehow misshapen.


Peggy Noonan (1950-, American author, presidential speechwriter)


Don't fall in love with politicians, they're all a disappointment. They can't help it, they just are.


Peggy Noonan (1950-, American author, presidential speechwriter)


Sincerity and competence is a strong combination. In politics, it is everything.


Peggy Noonan (1950-, American author, presidential speechwriter)


The right man, in the right place, at the right time, can steal millions.


Gregory Nunn (1955-, American golfer)


It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


Politics is just like show business. You have a hell of an opening, coast for a while, and then have a hell of a close.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


You have to have been a Republican to know how good it is to be a Democrat.


Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1929-1994, American First Lady)


Politics are for foreigners with their endless wrongs and paltry rights. Politics are a lousy way to get things done. Politics are, like God's infinite mercy, a last resort.


P. J. O'Rourke (1947-, American journalist)


Political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.


George Orwell (1903-1950, British author, "Animal Farm")


Politics is the science of urgencies.


Theodore Parker (1810-1860, American minister)


In politics people give you what they think you deserve and deny you what they think you want.


Cecil Parkinson (1932-, British conservative politician)


People who leave Washington do so by way of the box... ballet or coffin.


Claiborne Pell


The mistake a lot of politicians make is in forgetting they've been appointed and thinking they've been anointed.


Claude D. Pepper


If you can't stand a little sacrifice and you can't stand a trip across the desert with limited water, we're never going to straighten this country out.


H. Ross Perot (1930-, American businessman, founder of EDS)


Political success is the ability, when the inevitable occurs, to get credit for it.


Laurence J. Peter


Politician: From the Greek "poly" ("many") and the French "tete" ("head" or "face," as in "tete-a-tete": head to head or face to face). Hence


Martin Pitt


In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.


Plato (BC 427?-347?, Greek philosopher)


The heaviest penalty for deciding to engage in politics is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.


Plato (BC 427?-347?, Greek philosopher)


A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation.


Georges Pompidou


I find myself hoping a total end of all the unhappy divisions of mankind by party-spirit, which at best, is but the madness of many for the gain of a few.


Alexander Pope (1688-1744, British poet, critic, translator)


Legislators: Rape their wives and do two years. Kill their children and do five years. Steal their money and kiss your ass goodbye.


L. R. Powell


Let me just tell you how thrilling it really is, and how, what a challenge it is, because in 1988 the question is whether we're going forward to tomorrow or whether we're going to go past to the back!


Dan Quayle (1947-, American politician, vice-president)


People that are really weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history.


Dan Quayle (1947-, American politician, vice-president)


Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.


Dan Quayle (1947-, American politician, vice-president)


Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.


Ronald Reagan (1911-2004, American President (40th))


We assume that politicians are without honor. We read their statements trying to crack the code. The scandals of their politics: not so much that men in high places lie, only that they do so with such indifference, so endlessly, still expecting to be believed. We are accustomed to the contempt inherent in the political lie.


Adrienne Rich (1929-, American poet)


There is an increasingly pervasive sense not only of failure, but of futility. The legislative process has become a cruel shell game and the service system has become a bureaucratic maze; inefficient, incomprehensible, and inaccessible.


Elliot Richardson


There is an increasingly pervasive sense not only of failure, but of futility. The legislative process has become a cruel shell game and the service system has become a bureaucratic maze; inefficient, incomprehensible, and inaccessible.


Elliot Richardson


People start parades -- politicians just get out in front and act like they're leading.


Dana Gillman Rinehart


The most effective public official is one who, while finding passage through the maze of economic and governmental considerations, never forgets that compassion for people comes first.


Shirley Pettis Roberson


In politics a straight line is the shortest distance to disaster.


John P. Roche


I tell you folks, all politics is applesauce.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat!


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


No party is as bad as its leaders.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


Politics is not worrying this country one-tenth as much as where to find a parking space.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


The more you read and observe about this politics thing, the more you've got to admit that each party's worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


The reason political party platforms are so long is that when you straddle anything it takes a long time to explain it.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air.


Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945, American President (32nd))


No political party has exclusive patent rights on prosperity.


Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945, American President (32nd))


The most successful politician is he who says what everybody is thinking most often and in the loudest voice.


Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919,  American President (26th))


The old parties are husks, with no real soul within either, divided on artificial lines, boss-ridden and privilege-controlled, each a jumble of incongruous elements, and neither daring to speak out wisely and fearlessly on what should be said on the vital issues of the day.


Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919,  American President (26th))


When they call the roll in the Senate, the senators do not know whether to answer "present" or "not guilty."


Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919,  American President (26th))


Politics in the United States consists of the struggle between those whose change has been arrested by success or failure, on one side, and those who are still engaged in changing themselves, on the other. Agitators of arrested metamorphosis versus agitators of continued metamorphosis. The former have the advantage of numbers (since most people accept themselves as successes or failures quite early), the latter of vitality and visibility (since self-transformation, though it begins from within, with ideology, religion, drugs, tends to express itself publicly through costume and jargon).


Harold Rosenberg (1906-1978, American art critic, author)


In order to remain true to oneself one ought to renounce one's party three times a day.


Jean Rostand (1894-1977, French biologist, writer)


In politics, yesterday's lie is attacked only to flatter today's.


Jean Rostand (1894-1977, French biologist, writer)


The essential ingredient in politics is timing.


Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000, Canadian Prime Minister (1968-79, 1980-4))


A politician is a man who understands government and it takes a politician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for fifteen years.


Harry S. Truman (1884-1972, American President (33rd))


I always considered statesmen to be more expendable than soldiers.


Harry S. Truman (1884-1972, American President (33rd))


We have never yet had a labor Government that knew what taking power really means; they always act like second-class citizens.


Dora Russell


To "know your place" is a good idea in politics. That is not to say "stay in your place" or "hang on to your place," because ambition or boredom may dictate upward or downward mobility, but a sense of place -- a feel for one's own position in the control room -- is useful in gauging what you should try to do.


William Safire (1929-, American journalist)


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