An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





The injuries we do and the injuries we suffer are seldom weighed on the same scales.


Aesop (620-560 BC, Greek fabulist)


Pain is never permanent.


St. Teresa of Avila


Pictures and shapes are but secondary objects and please or displease only in the memory.


Francis Bacon (1561-1626, British philosopher, essayist, statesman)


If we could but paint with the hand what we see with the eye.


Honore De Balzac (1799-1850, French novelist)


The moment an ill can be patiently handled, it is disarmed of its poison, though not of its pain.


Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887, American preacher, orator, writer)


To banish cares, scare away sorrow and soothe pain is the business of the poet and singer.




There has never been a great athlete who died not knowing what pain is.


Bill Bradley (1943-, American basketball player)


Pain dies quickly, and lets her weary prisoners go; the fiercest agonies have shortest reign.


William C. Bryant (1794-1878, American poet, newspaper editor)


The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.


Lord Byron (1788-1824, British poet)


It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.


Julius Caesar (101-44 BC, Roman emperor)


Good painters imitate nature, bad ones spew it up.


Miguel De Cervantes (1547-1616, Spanish novelist, dramatist, poet)


All pain is either severe or slight, if slight, it is easily endured; if severe, it will without doubt be brief.


Marcus T. Cicero (c. 106-43 BC, Roman orator, politician)


The injuries that befall us unexpectedly are less severe than those which are deliberately anticipated.


Marcus T. Cicero (c. 106-43 BC, Roman orator, politician)


A good painter is to paint two main things, men and the working of man's mind.


Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519, Italian inventor, architect, painter, scientist, sculptor)


I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait.


Salvador Dali (1904-1989, Spanish painter)


I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait.


Salvador Dali (1904-1989, Spanish painter)


After great pain, a formal feeling comes. The Nerves sit ceremonious, like tombs.


Emily Dickinson (1830-1886, American poet)


Pains of love be sweeter far than all the other pleasures are.


John Dryden (1631-1700, British poet, dramatist, critic)


There is much pain that is quite noiseless; and vibrations that make human agonies are often a mere whisper in the roar of hurrying existence. There are glances of hatred that stab and raise no cry of murder; robberies that leave man or woman forever beggared of peace and joy, yet kept secret by the sufferer -- committed to no sound except that of low moans in the night, seen in no writing except that made on the face by the slow months of suppressed anguish and early morning tears. Many an inherited sorrow that has marred a life has been breathed into no human ear.


George Eliot (1819-1880, British novelist)


Pain and death are a part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself.


Havelock Ellis (1859-1939, British psychologist)


There are no gains without pains.


Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790, American scientist, publisher, diplomat)


Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.


Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931, Lebanese poet, novelist)


Never a lip is curved with pain That can't be kissed into smiles again.


Bret Harte (1836-1902, American writer)


Sunlight is painting.


Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864, American novelist, short story writer)


The art of life is the art of avoiding pain; and he is the best pilot, who steers clearest of the rocks and shoals with which it is beset.


Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826, American President (3rd))


He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Pleasure that is obtained by unreasonable and unsuitable cost, must always end in pain.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Those who do not feel pain seldom think that it is felt.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


There is no coming to consciousness without pain.


Carl Jung (1875-1961, Swiss psychiatrist)


Pain is a part of being alive, and we need to learn that. Pain does not last forever, nor is it necessarily unbeatable, and we need to be taught that.


Rabbi Harold S. Kushner


The real problem is not why some pious, humble, believing people suffer, but why some do not.


C. S. Lewis (1898-1963, British academic, writer, Christian apologist)


The evils we do to others give us less pain than those we do to ourselves.


Francois De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680, French classical writer)


The harm that others do to us is often less than that which we do to ourselves.


Francois De La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680, French classical writer)


I paint things as they are. I don't comment. I record.


Henri De Toulouse Lautrec


Strictly speaking, there is but one real evil: I mean acute pain. All other complaints are so considerably diminished by time that it is plain the grief is owing to our passion, since the sensation of it vanishes when that is over.


Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762, British society figure, letter writer)


The best portraits are those in which there is a slight mixture of caricature.


Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859, American essayist and historian)


All pain is a punishment, and every punishment is inflicted for love as much as for justice.


Joseph De Maistre (1753-1821, French diplomat, philosopher)


Pain was their body's way of telling them that they'd pushed themselves to their limits -- which was exactly where they were supposed to be.


Richard Marcinko (1940-, American business author)


The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.


Karl Marx (1818-1883, German political theorist, social philosopher)


Everything hurts.


Michelangelo (1474-1564, Italian renaissance painter, sculptor)


Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you."


Mary Tyler Moore (1936-, American actress)


When there is pain, there are no words. All pain is the same.


Toni Morrison (1931-, African-American novelist)


This horror of pain is a rather low instinct and... if I think of human beings I've known and of my own life, such as it is, I can't recall any case of pain which didn't, on the whole, enrich life.


Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990, British broadcaster)


Why do people persist in a dissatisfying relationship, unwilling either to work toward solutions or end it and move on? It's because they know changing will lead to the unknown, and most people believe that the unknown will be much more painful than what they're already experiencing.


Anthony Robbins (1960-, American author, speaker, peak performance expert, coach)

Author's website:


What a strange vanity painting is; it attracts admiration by resembling the original, we do not admire.


Blaise Pascal (1623-1662, French scientist, religious philosopher)


Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic.


Cesare Pavese (1908-1950, Italian poet, novelist, translator)


No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.


William Penn (1644-1718, British religious leader, founder of Pennsylvania)


Pain has its reasons, pleasure is totally indifferent.


Francis Picabia (1878-1953, French painter, poet)


I paint objects as I think them not as I see them.


Pablo Picasso (1881-1973, Spanish artist)


Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.


Pablo Picasso (1881-1973, Spanish artist)


I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colors is black.


Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919, French impressionist artist)


They can rule the world while they can persuade us our pain belongs in some order is death by famine worse than death by suicide, than a life of famine and suicide...?


Adrienne Rich (1929-, American poet)


Pain is such an uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoyment.


Will Rogers (1879-1935, American humorist, actor)


We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.


Jim Rohn (American businessman, author, speaker, philosopher)

Author's website:


Painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh.


Georges Rouault


In old times men used their powers of painting to show the objects of faith, in later times they use the objects of faith to show their powers of painting.


John Ruskin (1819-1900, British critic, social theorist)


There is no more lively sensation than that of pain; its impressions are certain and dependable, they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience.


Marquis De Sade (1740-1814, French author)


If pain could have cured us we should long ago have been saved.


George Santayana (1863-1952, American philosopher, poet)


Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend.


John Singer Sargent (1856-1925, American artist)


Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain.


John Selden (1584-1654, British jurist, statesman)


Pleasure is nothing else but the intermission of pain.


John Selden (1584-1654, British jurist, statesman)


Pain, scorned by yonder gout-ridden wretch, endured by yonder dyspeptic in the midst of his dainties, borne bravely by the girl in travail. Slight thou art, if I can bear thee, short thou art if I cannot bear thee!


Marcus Annaeus Seneca (BC 3-65 AD, Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman)


One pain is lessened by another's anguish.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616, British poet, playwright, actor)


Pain pays the income of each precious thing.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616, British poet, playwright, actor)


Painting is silent poetry and poetry spoken, painting.




The greatest evil is physical pain.


St. Augustine (354-430, Numidian-born bishop of Hippo, theologian)


Pain has its own noble joy, when it starts a strong consciousness of life, from a stagnant one.


John Sterling (American sports announcer)


Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other.


Laurence Sterne (1713-1768, British author)


Pain of mind is worse than pain of body.


Publilius Syrus (85 BC- 43BC, Roman writer)


The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body.


Publilius Syrus (85 BC- 43BC, Roman writer)


Sweet is true love that is given in vain, and sweet is death that takes away pain.


Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892, British poet)


To touch a sore is to renew one's grief.


Terence (Roman writer of comedies)


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be nor more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.


The Holy Bible (Sacred scriptures of Christians and Judaism)


Nothing begins, and nothing ends, That is not paid with moan; For we are born in others pain And perish in our own.


Francis Thompson (1859-1907, British poet)


Pain adds rest unto pleasure, and teaches the luxury of health.


Martin Tupper (1810-1889, British author, poet, inventor)


Do not undervalue the headache. While it is at its sharpest it seems a bad investment; but when relief begins, the unexpired remainder is worth $4 a minute.


Mark Twain (1835-1910, American humorist, writer)


May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism.


Author Unknown


Painting does not come from intelligence so much, as from sight and feeling and invention.


Author Unknown


That which is escaped now is pain to come.


Author Unknown


I dream of painting, and then I paint my dream.


Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890, Dutch-born French painter)


Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.


Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890, Dutch-born French painter)


Pain with the thousand teeth.


Sir William Watson (1858-1935, British poet)


There is no detachment where there is no pain. And there is no pain endured without hatred or lying unless detachment is present too.


Simone Weil (1910-1943, French philosopher, mystic)


Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.


Oscar Wilde (1856-1900, British author, wit)


Pain is real when you get other people to believe in it. If no one believes in it but you, your pain is madness or hysteria.


Naomi Wolf (1962-, American author)


On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points.


Virginia Woolf (1882-1941, British novelist, essayist)


The longer the life the more the offense, the more the offense the more the pain, the more the pain the less defense and the less defense the less the gain.


Sir T. Wyatt


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