An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





In Cyberspace, the 1st Amendment is a local ordinance.


John Perry Barlow (1947-, American musician, lyricist for the "Grateful Dead")


Monster back links or monster of linked stupidity, wiki back links permitting!

Carl William Brown

The human race is nothing else but a stupid mass of spammers.

Carl William Brown

I don't like spam, but after all even the human race is spam, so we must come to terms!

Carl William Brown

People don't comment what I write, and it is better like this, first of all because I wouldn't read what they write, and then, in order to please the spammers, on my blogs comments are disabled.

Carl William Brown

On facebook I usually follow even people I don't like, such as Miley Cirus for instance, since I am curious about human stupidity and marketing.

Carl William Brown

Facebook lately ask a lot of questions, and I like to answer in the wrong way, not telling the truth and not lying at all, just marketing.

Carl William Brown

A strong backlink service can help your website get the rankings it needs to gain the quality, targeted traffic that search engines provide.

Carl William Brown

Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household.

Gary Vaynerchuk

While content is of utmost importance in the world of SEO, if it's never shared or promoted properly, it will be as if it doesn't even exist.

Carl William Brown

My main goal, as a writer, is not to connect with an existing reading public, but is that to create a potential and ideal thinking audience!

Carl William Brown

Perhaps it is a good thing that people searching for something can run across and find anything else.
Carl William Brown

Getting backlinks is an essential part of search engine optimization. But just getting a lot of backlinks isn't enough. The backlinks you need have to be quality links.

Carl William Brown

Se l'uomo non fosse stupido il nostro pianeta sarebbe il paradiso terrestre, invece è il cesso dell'universo.

Carl William Brown

I am training a bit my writing skills about bad press, since I want to share some not-so-positive spotlight about some monster SEO companies. Do you get what I mean!

Carl William Brown

I am preparing two or three nice articles about companies, websites and marketing adventurers that propose SEO services on the Internet. But first of all, having a certain experience in the field, I would advice everyone who would like to use this kind of stuff to ask the potential sellers, before placing an order, for some pictures of the concubines, courtesans and nymphomaniacs they are attending while trying to earn some money from the web, so that you can make up your mind and take a profitable decision, if not for your pockets, at least for the benefits of the different whores that are lurking around.

Carl William Brown

The Internet is an enormous and confused mass of nonsense, but we can still learn how to fight stupidity from it.

Carl William Brown

The technology of Internet has greatly supported the cut and paste of stupidity.

Carl William Brown

We lost the Internet. 25 years after the invention of the WWW and we're left with a bunch of users, using fraudbook to collect fake likes and have anything they say that might make the authority look bad redirected out of streams before they ever arrive.

Everett Bogue

The Internet technology has greatly supported the monster linking of human stupidity.

Carl William Brown

For a fighter of stupidity it doen't matter the number of stupid people on our planet, the enemy is simply just one.

Carl William Brown

The Internet is based on links. If there weren't links, the Internet wouldn't exist. And be sure that stupidity is very well linked.

Carl William Brown

Stupidity is everywhere and on Internet it is also very well ranked! Google permitting!

Carl William Brown

On Internet antagonists of stupidity are very well filtered. Google supervising!

Carl William Brown

On Internet stupidity is very well indexed, also thanks to Google.

Carl William Brown

Even behind an Internet spider there are human beings, and human beings are stupid. Google docet!

Carl William Brown

My next article will be about SEO monster back links of stupidity and whores!

Carl William Brown

The limit of 140 characters sometimes might be a bit boring, so if you like to post some texts longer than this standard I would advise you to use Tweet Tunnel where you can write Long Tweets '“ Tweets whithout the 140 character limit.

Carl William Brown


The difference between e-mail and regular mail is that computers handle e-mail, and computers never decide to come to work one day and shoot all the other computers.


Jamais Cascio


The ides of surfing the net -- I don't know who called it that -- it's more like slogging through the net.


Al Di Guido


Information on the Internet is subject to the same rules and regulations as conversation at a bar.


George Lundberg (American editor)


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