An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





Determine to become one of the best. Sufficient money will almost automatically follow if you get to be one of the "best" in your chosen field, whatever it is.


Donald G. Mitchell


How glorious it is -- and also how painful -- to be an exception.


Alfred De Musset


People forget how fast you did a job, but they remember how well you did it.


Howard W. Newton


To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult.


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, German philosopher)


There is no finish line.


Nike Corporation (American shoe company)


If you do things well, do them better. Be daring, be first, be different, be just.


Anita Roddick (British entrepreneur, founder of the Body Shop)


I am a writer because writing is the thing I do best.


Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964, American author)


Set exorbitant standards, and give your people hell when they don't live up to them. There is nothing so demoralizing as a boss who tolerates second rate work.


David Ogilvy (1911-1999,  American businessman, advertising expert)


Don't waste your time striving for perfection, instead, strive for excellence -- doing your best.


Sir Lawrence Olivier (1907-1989, British actor, producer, director)


Don't waste your time striving for perfection, instead, strive for excellence -- doing your best.


Sir Lawrence Olivier (1907-1989, British actor, producer, director)


People come out to see you perform and you've got to give them the best you have within you. The lives of most men are patchwork quilts. Or at best one matching outfit with a closet and laundry bag full of incongruous accumulations. A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.


Jesse Owens (1913-1980, American Olympian)


Excellent firms don't believe in excellence -- only in constant improvement and constant change.


Thomas J. Peters (1942-, American management consultant, author, lecturer)


Great men are little men expanded; great lives are ordinary lives intensified.


Wilfred A. Peterson


No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things.


Channing Pollock (1946-, American actor)


You must be resolutely determined that whatever you do shall always be the best of which you are capable.


Charles E. Popplestone


You must be resolutely determined that whatever you do shall always be the best of which you are capable.


Charles E. Popplestone


The uncommon man is merely the common man thinking and dreaming of success in larger terms and in more fruitful areas.


Melvin Powers (American businessman, author)


Good is good, but better beats it.


Italian Proverb (Sayings of Italian origin)


If you are going to do something carelessly, it is better to give it up entirely.


Russian Proverb (Sayings of Russian origin)


Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.


Pat Riley (1945-, American basketball coach)


Our goal, simply stated, is to be the best.


James H. Robinson (American businessman, chairman of American express)


Always strive to excel, but only on weekends.


Richard Rorty (1931-, American philosopher)


My father taught me that the only way you can make good at anything is to practice, and then practice some more.


Pete Rose (1942-, American baseball player, manager)


I always remember an epitaph which is in the cemetery at Tombstone, Arizona. It says: "Here lies Jack Williams. He done his damnedest." I think that is the greatest epitaph a man can have.


Harry S. Truman (1884-1972, American President (33rd))


Excellence is best described as doing the right things right -- selecting the most important things to be done and then accomplishing them 100% correctly.


Author Unknown


Execute every act of thy life as though it were your last.


Author Unknown


I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know.


Col. Harland Sanders (1890-1980, American businessman, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken)


Do more than you're supposed to do and you can have or be or do anything you want.


Bill Sands


All successful employers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them.


Charles M. Schwab (1862-1939, American industrialist, businessman)


The success combination in business is: Do what you do better... and: Do more of what you do...


David J. Schwartz (American trainer, author of "The Magic of Thinking Big")


When you say you'll meet someone at 11:00 AM, be there at 10:45. When you promise a check on the 30th, send it on the 28th. Whatever you agree to do, do it a bit more. Start with your employees, then extend it to everyone you deal with. News will soon get around that you are a person of your word.


Charles Prestwich Scott (1846-1932, British newspaper editor)


There never will exist anything permanently noble and excellent in the character which is a stranger to resolute self-denial.


Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832, British novelist, poet)


It is quality rather than quantity that matters.


Marcus Annaeus Seneca (BC 3-65 AD, Roman philosopher, dramatist, statesman)


Then to Silvia let us sing that Silvia is excelling. She excels each mortal thing upon the dull earth dwelling.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616, British poet, playwright, actor)


When workmen strive to do better than well, they do confound their skill in covetousness.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616, British poet, playwright, actor)


We must do the best we can with what we have.


Edward Rowland Sill


True greatness consists in being great in little things.


Charles Simmons


To be really great in little things, to be truly noble and heroic in the insipid details of everyday life, is a virtue so rare as to be worthy of canonization.


Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896, American novelist, antislavery campaigner)


Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.


Lowell Thomas (1892-1981, American politician, author)


The objective is not to pass, but to surpass.


Millie Thornton


You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards.


Brian Tracy (1944-, Canadian-born American trainer, speaker, author, businessman)

Author's website:


There is no such thing as natural touch. Touch is something you create by hitting millions of golf balls.


Lee Trevino (1939-, American golfer)


Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence."


Author Unknown


Let each day be your masterpiece.


Author Unknown


There's no traffic jam on the extra mile.


Author Unknown


Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. They did all that was expected of them and a little bit more.


A. Lou Vickery


The only way to excellence is to consistently improve yourself every single day.


Thomas J. Vilord


The best is the enemy of the good.


Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778, French historian, writer)


The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.


Denis Waitley (1933-, American author, speaker, trainer, peak performance expert)

Author's website:


Winners have the ability to step back from the canvas of their lives like an artist gaining perspective. They make their lives a work of art -- an individual masterpiece.


Denis Waitley (1933-, American author, speaker, trainer, peak performance expert)

Author's website:


Never be the only one, except, possibly, in your own home.


Alice Walker (1944-, American author, critic)


If you aren't playing well, the game isn't as much fun. When that happens I tell myself just to go out and play as I did when I was a kid.


Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956, American businessman, founder of IBM)


If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.


Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956, American businessman, founder of IBM)


Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can reach. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries and predecessors; try to be better than yourself.


William Faulkner


Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.


Booker T. Washington (1856-1915, American black leader and educator)


I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.


Oscar Wilde (1856-1900, British author, wit)


Surely a man has come to himself only when he has found the best that is in him, and has satisfied his heart with the highest achievement he is fit for.


Woodrow T. Wilson (1856-1924, American President (28th))


Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.


Oprah Winfrey (1954-, American TV personality, producer, actress, author)


I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism and sexism.


Oprah Winfrey (1954-, American TV personality, producer, actress, author)


My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.


Oprah Winfrey (1954-, American TV personality, producer, actress, author)


It isn't what you do, but how you do it.


John Wooden (1910-, American basketball coach)


A masterpiece is something said once and for all, stated, finished, so that it's there complete in the mind, if only at the back.


Virginia Woolf (1882-1941, British novelist, essayist)


The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self improvement, about being better than you were the day before.


Steve Young (1955-, American football player)


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