An aphorism is nothing else but the slightest
form of writing raised to the highest level of expressive communication. Carl William Brown





At painful times, when composition is impossible and reading is not enough, grammars and dictionaries are excellent for distraction.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861, British poet)


Every other author may aspire to praise; the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach, and even this negative recompense has been yet granted to very few.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Actually if a writer needs a dictionary he should not write. He should have read the dictionary at least three times from beginning to end and then have loaned it to someone who needs it.


Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961, American writer)


Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to be quite true.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


Lexicographer: a writer of dictionaries, a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words.


Samuel Johnson (1709-1784, British author)


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