Sharing and Caring What is sharing Sharing is giving, service, love, helpfulness. Sharing is kindness, generosity, unselfishness, sacrifice. Ways to show you care and can share: With your actions With your words With your thoughts With material gifts With your actions You might make your parents' bed, rake leaves off the lawn, tutor a younger child, open a door for someone, or sit with someone unpopular at lunch. Spend an hour listening to a lonely person. Be helpful and kind to someone who needs a hand. With your words Say kind things to and about other people. Offer advice when it's wanted and sympathy when it's needed. Don't spread gossip, rumors, or cruel stories, even if they are true. Sometimes silence is golden; sometimes the kindest words are those that aren't spoken. With your thoughts Positive thoughts and prayers can be very powerful. You can do an act of kindness for another person merely by thinking good thoughts about him or her. Other people will feel the positive thoughts you sent their way. With material gifts Try giving household items to the homeless or poor, donating trees to your community, buying a shirt for your brother or chocolates for a friend. Don't limit your gifts to special occasions (charity drives, birthdays, holidays). Give when you're in the mood and when you're not. Do it just because. Activities Write in your journal about a time when someone was kind to you or did a service for you. How did you feel? Read a biography about a famous philanthropist - someone who has dedicated his or her life to improving the lives of others. Learn about the welfare system. Research how other countries have cared for their citizens through history in times of greatest need such as disasters, wars, poverty, illness. Do a "secret service" or a project in which you do something nice for others without telling them. Write your own "random acts" of sharing book. Brainstorm a list of possible needs and wants for various people. Help fulfill those needs. Start a kindness "chain reaction." Write a skit about sharing and ways to serve others. Make "I Care" kits - for a new student, for people who have suffered a misfortune such as a loss of a pet, home. Collect songs about caring and sharing. Be a caring team player. Brainstorm ways to support team members when they make mistakes, have poor skills, or insult each other. Start a service project Research your project. Form a team. Find a sponsor. Make a plan. Consider the recipient. Decide where you will perform your service. Get any permissions you need to proceed. Advertise. Fund-raise if necessary. When your project has ended, evaluate it. Reflect and see what has been accomplished. Are there things that can be improved the next time?