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abbey: abbazia.
Westminster Abbey is the most famous church in England. English kings and queens are crowned there.
In Westminster Abbey there are the tombs of many great Englishmen.

abroad: all'estero. He lives abroad.

actor: attore.
Actors play the characters' parts in films and plays.

ad, advert, advertisement: annuncio pubblicitario.
Advertisements are carried by radio and television net-works, as well as by nearly all newspapers and magazines.

address: indirizzo.
My address is 28, King's Road.

aeroplane (Br.E), airplane (Am.E), plane: aeroplano.

afternoon: pomeriggio.
Good afternoon: buon pomeriggio (used between noon and evening).

air: aria.
Air mail: posta aerea. By air: per via aerea.
Aerial view: vista, foto aerea.

airport: area of land with runways and hangars for aircrafts, and buildings providing facilities for passengers. International airports such as London or New York Airport are really like cities with their own (duty-free) shops, res¬taurants and other passenger facilities.

alphabet: alfabeto.
The English alphabet has 26 letters.  (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)

The Morse Code
In 1837 the American Samuel Morse invented the telegraph: it was able to transmit only sound, not words. So Morse also devised an alphabet consisting of a combination of short sounds (dots) and long sounds (dashes). The famous SOS (signal of danger) stands for "Save Our Souls".

America: the American continent was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. It includes North, Central and South America. The language mostly spoken in North America is English. American: americano. American Indian: indiano d'America, amerindio.
The Americans from the USA are also called Yankees, in colloquial slang.

animal: animale.
There are more than two million different kinds of animals. Wild animals (lions, elephants, etc.) can be distinguished from domestic animals or pets (dogs, cats, horses, etc.).

answer (to): risposta, rispondere. Answer the question please: rispondi alla domanda per favore.

anthem: inno (nazionale).
The British national anthem is Cod Save the Queen/King; the national anthem of the USA is the Stars and Stripes,

apple: mela.
Apple tree: melo.
The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City.

art: arte.
Art gallery: galleria d'arte. Art school: scuola d'arte.
Bachelor of arts (B.A.): laurea nel settore artistico-umanistico. Arts & entertain¬ment means a wide range of activities such as painting, dancing, opera, music, theatre, circuses and fairs, cinema, television and radio.

attention: attenzione.
Pay attention please: fai/fate attenzione, prego.

Australia: this continent is a huge island. Most people live on the east coast. The capital city is Canberra. In Australia people speak English.
It's the most popular drink both in Britain and in the USA.

ballet: balletto.
Ballet is a very formal style of dancing but, if it is well performed, it looks effortless and graceful. Britain has a great ballet tradition.

bank: banca.
Bank holidays: days on which banks are closed by law. In Britain they are observed as national holidays.

BBC: abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation, the official radio and television authority in Britain.

bed & breakfast: pernottamento e prima colazione.

beer: birra.
Beer is a fermented alcoholic drink brewed from malt, sugar, hops and water. It's the most popular drink both in Britain and in the USA.

blues: folk song originating among black Americans at the beginning of the 20th century.

boyfriend: a girl's male companion, usually young.

best (the): il migliore, il meglio (super¬lativo di good). I'll do my best: farò del mio meglio.
All the best: le cose più belle! (augurio).

birthday: compleanno, giorno della nascita. Birthplace: luogo di nascita.
Do you know the song Happy Birthday? Try to sing it.

book (to): riservare.
Where can I book seats for...?
I have booked two rooms for tonight.

born (usato con il past tense del verbo "be"): nato.
When were you born?
I was born on July 22nd.

Boxing Day: the day after Christmas.

breakfast: prima colazione.
We have breakfast at eight: facciamo colazione alle otto.
Eggs and bacon is the main dish of the traditional English breakfast.

Britain (Great): Gran Bretagna.
Britain is the largest island in Europe. It consists of England, Scotland and Wales (see also United Kingdom). The British: people from Great Britain, that is England, Wales and Scotland. British: britannico.

British Museum: one of the most famous museums in the world.
canteen: mensa.
The large room in a school where the pupils

bus: autobus.
Bus stop: fermata.
To miss the bus: perdere l'autobus,

bye: arrivederci.
A common abbreviation of bye-bye, more familiar than goodbye.

camera: macchina fotografica.

Canada: in North America, is the largest country in the world. Its capital is Ottawa. English and French are the official languages. About 45 out of 100 Canadians are descendants of British people, while another 29 are of French origin. Canada is a rich country. Its wealth is based on its natural resources.

have lunch.

Captain Cook: the English navigator who explored New Zealand and the eastern coast of Australia (in about 1770).

car: auto.
Car park: parcheggio.
Car racing: corsa automobilistica. To travel by car: viaggiare in auto.
To drive a car: guidare un'automobile

Charta (Magna): it was signed in 1215 at Runnymede by King John Lackland. The Magna Charta limited the king's power and protected the barons, the Church and the people from his arbitrary acts. It marked the beginning of the English democracy.

cartoon: fumetti, cartoni animati. Cartoon film: film di cartoni animati.
In the USA they call cartoon comic strips. The greatest cartoon film maker is the American Walt Disney.

castle: castello.
They live in a Tudor castle: vivono in un castello del periodo Tudor.

cat: gatto.
A cat is a pet: il gatto è un animale domestico.
Tomcat (also tom): male cat.

cathedral: cattedrale.
Canterbury Cathedral has been the heart of the Church of England for centuries. The English archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered here in 1170.

Catholic: cattolico.
Roman Catholic: di religione cattolica

change: cambio.
Sorry, I've got no change: spiacente, ma non ho moneta spicciola.

channel: canale.
The Channel is the sea separating England from the Continent.

charge: prezzo, tariffa.
On our camping site the charge for caravans is £I per 24 hours.
charter (to): documento ufficiale, bolla, noleggiare.
A charter flight: un volo aereo a noleggio.
check: controllo, controllare.
Check in: registrarsi all'arrivo in aero¬porto o in albergo.
Check point: posto di controllo. Check up: fare un controllo medico.

Cheers!: salute! cin cin!
It is said when drinking to someone's health.

Christmas: Natale.
Father Christmas: Babbo Natale. Christmas tree: l'albero di Natale. Merry Christmas: Buon Natale!

cigarette: sigaretta.
On every packet of cigarettes you can find the following warning: "Smoking could damage your health".

cross: incrociare, attraversare. Crossroad: incrocio stradale.

currency: moneta.

customs: dogana.
Customs officer: doganiere. Customs duty: tassa doganale.
To pass the customs: passare la dogana. When you arrive at the airport from abroad, the customs officer may ask you: Have you got anything to declare?: niente da dichiarare?

day: giorno.
What day is it today? It's Saturday: che giorno è oggi? È sabato. The days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

degree: grado; titolo universitario.
It's 5 degrees below zero: ci sono cinque gradi sotto zero.
I got my degree at London University: mi sono laureato all'Università di Londra.

delay: ritardo.
There will be a delay of two hours oppure a two-hour delay.

detective: investigatore.
Detective story: romanzo poliziesco.

dinner: cena.
A meal taken in the evening. We have dinner at 7.30.

disco: short for the French word discotheque. It is a place where people can dance to pop music on record.

dish: piatto, pietanza.
The main dish: il piatto forte (di un pasto).

dollar: dollaro.
Dollar is the currency of the USA. It is divided into 100 cents.

downtown: centro (di città).
The central (lower) part of a large town or city, where you find shops and business districts.

drive: guidare.
Taxi driver: guidatore di taxi. Driving licence: patente di guida. Driving-test: esame di guida. He failed his driving-test twice: è stato bocciato due volte all'esame di guida.

duty: dovere, servizio. He's on duty: è in servizio.

Duty-free shop: a shop (esp. in airports) where you can buy cigarettes, perfumes... without paying any tax.

Earth: terra. Earthquake: terremoto.

EEC: The European Economic Commu¬nity (la Comunità Economica Europea).

Elisabeth: Elisabeth II is the present Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

England: it is one of the countries making up Great Britain. It occupies the Southern part of the Island. English: inglese.

EU: European Union.

Eurotunnel: since 1994 Britain has been joined to Europe by the Eurotunnel or chunnel. This colossal feat of engineering, built in collaboration by the British and the French, passes under the English Channel. Through it millions of passengers pass each year on high-speed passenger trains or on a special shuttle trains that take them (and their cars) direct to Paris or London in no more than 3 1/2 hours.
evening: sera.

Good evening: buona sera.
An evening out: una sera libera.

farm: fattoria.
Farming: attività agricola, coltivazione della terra.

fashion: moda.
Fashion magazine: una rivista di moda,

fast: veloce.
Fast food: it is hot food prepared and served quickly.

festival: festa, festività.

fiction: narrativa.
Science fiction: fantascienza.

film: pellicola, film.
Hollywood, near Los Angeles, is the film capital of the world (see also Hollywood). Film guide: the section in a newspaper giving information about the local cinemas.
fine: multa.
I have to pay a £20 fine: devo pagare una multa di 20 sterline.

fish: pesce.
Fish and chips is a very popular British fast food meal.
flight: volo.

Flight BA 735 for Rome is now boarding at gate 18.

folk songs: typical songs of a particular community or nation, representing its culture and feelings.

food: cibo.
Food and drinks: cibi e bevande.

foot (pl. feet): piede.
Foot is also a length measure equal to one third of a yard or 12 inches (equivalent to 0.3048 metre - see also measures).

football: in Am.E. a game played between two teams with an oval-shaped, leather¬covered ball.

France: Francia.
France is one of the most developed countries in the world. The capital city is Paris. It is famous for its beautiful monuments and buildings and its tall Eiffel Tower.

French: francese.

freedom: libertà.

Free: libero, gratuito.
A free ticket: un biglietto gratis.

fun: divertimento.
Let's have fun: divertiamoci.

furniture: mobilio, mobili.
A piece of furniture: un mobile.

gallon: gallone.
A unit of volume, equal to 8 pints, or 4.55 litres (see also measures).

gas, gasoline (Am.E.), petrol (Br.E.): benzina.

Germany: Germania. German: tedesco.

God: Dio.
Thank God: grazie a Dio.
God save the Queen/the King (Dio salvi la regina/il re): the first words of the UK national anthem.

grandparents: nonni.
Grandfather (grandpa): nonno. Grandmother (granny, grandma): nonna. Grandchildren: nipoti (di nonni).
great: grande.
The great cities of the ancient times: le grandi città del passato. Great! That's marvellous!: benissimo, fantastico!
greetings: saluti.

Many greetings: tanti saluti.
greeting card: biglietto d'auguri.
These are usually sent in an envelope to friends and relatives on special occasions; they contain a picture on the front and greetings inside, such as Christmas Greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

ground: the surface of the earth or the floor of a room.
To prepare the ground for...: preparare it terreno per...

groundfloor: pianterreno (Br.E.).
The kitchen is on the ground/7oor: la cucina è al pianterreno.

guest house: a small hotel (pensione).

Hallowe'en: it 31 ottobre (abbreviazione di All Hallows' Eve).
In the American tradition it is said to be the night on which ghosts and witches can be seen, and so children often dress up as ghosts and witches and make lanterns using pumpkins. On Halloween children go from door to door asking for candies.

happening: avvenimento.

happy/unhappy: felice/infelice, allegro/ triste.
Happy new year: buon anno. Happy Easter: buona Pasqua.

health: salute fisica.
To be in the best of health: godere di buona salute, stare bene. To drink to someone's health, oppure to drink a health to somebody: brindare alla salute di qualcuno.

Health centre: a surgery, a building where patients can go to the doctor's for a medical examination.
heating: riscaldamento.

Central heating: riscaldamento centralizzato.

helicopter: elicottero.
Helicopters land and take off vertically. The huge blade on top is called a rotor. It can make the helicopter go forward or up, or even fly backwards.

Hello: salve! ciao!
It's a very common form of greeting. You say hello to someone: a) when you are greeting them;
b) at the beginning of a telephone
c) to attract attention.

Henry VIII: he is one of the most famous kings in England. He disagreed with the Pope so he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and became head of the Church of England. Henry VIII married six times. One of his daughters became Queen Elizabeth I (see also Protestant Reform).

HiFi (high fidelity): alta fedeltà.

high: alto.
To be in high spirits: essere su di morale. High road, highway: the main road. High season: the time of the year when a holiday resort receives most visitors.

Highlands: the Northern part of Great Britain, a mountainous area in upper Scotland.
Highlander: person coming from that area.

hire (to): noleggiare.
Boats for hire: barche a noleggio. Taxi on hire: taxi libero.

Hit: successo.
The song became a tremendous hit: la canzone ha avuto un enorme successo. Hit song: canzone di successo. Hit parade: the list of the most successful pop records.

holiday: vacanza, giorno festivo.
To be on holiday: essere in vacanza.

Hollywood: in Los Angeles, the place where a lot of American films are made. It is also used to refer to the part of the American film industry that makes these films.

Holy: sacro, santo.
The Holy Father: il Papa. Holy Week: settimana santa. The Holy Bible: la Sacra Bibbia.
hospital: ospedale.
Paediatric, psychiatric, geriatric hospi¬tal: hospital for children, for people with mental disorders, for the old people, etc.

home: home and house are nearly synonyms as they both have as referent the Italian casa. However, house refers to the material building, e.g. cottage, mansion, semi-detached house, terraced house, etc. On the other hand, home has an affective connotation and it refers to the family and the community, e.g. "to feel at home"; "home sweet home"; "Home Fleet"; "Home Secretary".

horse: cavallo.
Horse racing: a sport in which horses ridden by jockeys run in races; the owner of the winning horse usually receives a money prize.
To bet, to put some money on a horse: puntare su un cavallo.

hovercraft: it's a means of transport that can travel over water and over land.
It rides on a cushion of air. It doesn't touch the sea or the land.

house: the building in which you live (see also home).

Houses of Parliament: in Britain the Houses of Parliament are made up of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Sovereign. The Houses of Parliament also refer to the building in London.where Parliament works.

The White House: the official home of the American President in Washington. It's also used to mean the President himself.

How do you do?: piacere!
It is a polite way of greeting someone when you meet them for the first time.

hungry: affamato.
To be hungry: avere fame.
To be hungry for...: e.g. "journalists are always hungry for news".
ice-cream: gelato.
A cold and sweet-tasting food made from frozen cream.

in & out: The ins and outs of a situation are all the detailed points and facts about it.
Long skirts are in/out this year: in vogue/out of fashion.

inch: a unit of length, equal to 2,54 centimetres (see also measures).

inhabitant: abitante, residente.

inn: it is a small, old hotel usually in the country, where you can have a drink or eat something.

inside & outside: dentro e fuori.
An inside/outside phone call.
To know someone inside out: to know him very well.
Ireland: Irlanda.
Ireland is divided into the Republic of Ireland (simply called Ireland or Eire) and Northern Ireland (also called Ulster which is part of the United Kingdom). Irish: irlandese.

jazz: a style of popular music with an exciting rhythm usually played by groups of musicians. This music began in New Orleans (USA) when it was first played by black people: now it takes many forms (see also blues).

jet: a plane with jet engines flying very high and very fast.
Jumbo jet: a very large jet.

job: lavoro, impiego.
The work that one does regularly to earn money.

keeper: guardiano, custode. Goalkeeper: portiere.

king & queen: re e regina.
A long line of kings and queens have ruled Great Britain for ages.

kingdom: regno.
A kingdom is a country ruled by a king or a queen, i.e. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK).

knight: cavaliere.
In medieval times, knights served their kings or lords in battle; they had to be noble and they could put Sir in front of their names.

Ladies & gentlemen: signore e signori. A speaker often says Ladies and gentlemen to start a public speech.

lady: signora.
"Lady" can be a title of some female members of the nobility.
First Lady: the wife of a President or state

"Ladies':: public toilet for women. "Gents':: public toilet for men.

late: tardi.
The train is late: il treno è in ritardo. Late-night movie, late-night shopping...: all that happens late at night.
To be late for something: essere in ritardo per qualcosa.

later: comparative of late. See you later: arrivederci. Sooner or later: prima o poi.

leader: person who is in charge or in control of a group.
The leader of an orchestra: il primo violino (GB), oppure il direttore d'orche¬stra (USA).
The leader in a newspaper (leading article): l'articolo di fondo.

left: sinistra.
Keep left: tenere la sinistra.
A left-hand drive car: British cars have the steering wheel on the right side, and people drive on the left-hand side of the road.
A left-handed person: una persona mancina (see also right).

letterbox: cassetta o buca delle lettere. There were three letterboxes (mailboxes) outside the post office.

library: biblioteca.

licence: an official document.
A driving licence: patente di guida. Television licence: abbonamento televi¬sivo.

Lord: the title used before the name of British earls, viscounts, marquesesses. The House of Lords (see also Houses of Parliament).

luggage: bagaglio.
Travellers' suitcases and bags. Also "baggage".

lunch: pranzo.
Second meal of the day.
Lunch break: the period around midday when work or school stops for lunch.

magazine: rivista.
A weekly or monthly publication, sometimes on a special subject, such as fashion, cars, sports, containing written texts, photos and advertisements.

manager: the head of a firm, bank or business or of a sector of these. Bank manager: direttore di banca.

map: cartina, pianta.
Where can I get a map of the Underground?

mass media: means of communication and information to large numbers of people: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.

meals: pasti. The meals of the day are: breakfast, lunch, dinner. Main meal: pasto principale.

1 ounce = 28.35 grammes
= 435.6 grammes = 0.45 kilogrammes
= 907 kilogrammes = 0.91 metric ton
= 1016 kilogrammes = 1.02 metric tons

1 inch = 25.4 millimetres
1 foot = 304.8 millimetres
1 yard = 0.91 metre
1 mile = 1.61 kilometres
1 U.S. pint = 0.47 litre
1 English pint = 0.57 litre
1 U.S. gallon = 3.79 litres 1 English gallon = 4.55 litres

mile: a measure of length, used for long distances. It is equal to 1,610 m or 1.760 yards (see also measures).

mind the (your) step: attenti al gradino.

Miss: the formal way of addressing an unmarried woman. Other personal titles are: Mrs: used for married women; Mr: used for men;
Ms: a written form indicating single status for women.

money: soldi.
Business is business, and time is money (American saying).
I've no money left: non ho più soldi, denaro.

months: i mesi dell'anno.
There are twelve months in a year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

moon: luna.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.

motorway: autostrada.

movie: film (cinema, in Am.E.).
That was a good movie: era un bel film. Let's go to the movies: andiamo al ci¬nema.

musical: a play or film with songs and dances.
name: nome.
What's your name?: come ti chiami? My name's Bob: mi chiamo Bob.

nationality: nazionalità.
What nationality are you?: di che nazio¬nalità sei?
I'm Scottish: sono scozzese.

night: notte.
Goodnight: buonanotte.
Night club: a public place open late at night, where people can go to dance, drink or see a show.

Norman Conquest: the Norman Conquest of England took place in 1066.

North: one of the cardinal points.
North, South, East, West. Denmark is in the North of Europe.

old: vecchio.
How old are you?: quanti anni hai? I'm 13: ho 13 anni.

open-air: all'aperto.
Open-air theatre: teatro all'aperto.

palace: palazzo.
A large richly decorated house, often the home of kings and queens, bishops or presidents.
Buckingham Palace: it is the official residence of the Queen in London.

papers: documenti.

party: people enjoying themselves together often in someone's home, eating, drinking, talking and dancing.

passenger: passeggero.
Passengers are kindly requested to board the aircraft: i signori passeggeri sono pregati di salire a bordo.

pence: there are one hundred pence in a pound. Two pence, one penny.

petrol: benzina (see gas).

pint (GB): unit of measurement for liquids (see also measures). In Britain it is equal to 568 cubic centimetres. In the USA it corresponds to 473 cubic centi¬metres.
A pint of beer: una pinta di birra.

please: per favore.
Polite form used in accepting something: Yes, please. (If you want to refuse the offer, you must say No, thank you.)

police: polizia.
The police are keeping the crowd under control: la polizia controlla la folla.

pollution: inquinamento.
It is the poisoning of the land, of the sea and the air especially by chemicals.

pound: the standard British currency, now divided into 100 pence. Pound is also a measure of weight equal to 0.454 kilograms (see also measures).

Prime Minister: Primo Ministro (UK). The official residence of the Prime Minister is 10 Downing Street.

prince: principe.
The Prince of Wales is the heir to the throne of England: il principe di Galles è l'erede al trono d'Inghilterra.

Protestant Reform: Riforma Protestante. The Protestant Reform took place in Britain under Henry VIII (see) in the sixteenth century.

pub: a public place where people can
have alcoholic drinks and sometimes food.

It's a quarter to nine: sono le nove meno un quarto.
It's a quarter past eight: sono le otto e un quarto.
(Am.E.) coin worth 25 cents, fourth part of a dollar.

queue (to): fare la coda.
Queuing (up) is a typical feature of the British way of life: you queue at the bus stop, at the cinema entrance and almost everywhere in public places in Britain.

racing: corsa (see also Car racing, Horse racing).
rail: British Rail (Ferrovie Britanniche). By rail: per mezzo del treno. Railway station: stazione ferroviaria.

: rivoluzione.
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century and spread all over Europe.

right: destra.
Keep right: tieni (tenete) la destra. You're quite right: avete perfettamente ragione. Here right is the opposite of wrong (see also left).

rugby: a form of football played with an oval ball in wich the handling and carrying of the ball is permitted.
scholarship: borsa di studio.
A sum of money given to a student by an official body, to pay for a study course.

school: scuola.
In Britain, public schools are the private schools traditionally for the élite.

Scotch: whisky distilled in Scotland and made from malt. In America they call it bourbon and it is made from maze or rye. Scotch is also a type of mild beer, typical of the northern part of Scotland.

score: punteggio.
To score a goal: fare goal.
What's the score?: quanto fanno? a quan¬to stanno?

Scotland: Scozia.
It is one of the countries making up Great Britain. It occupies the northern part of the island.
Scot, Scotsman, Scotswoman (noun): scozzese.
Scottish (adj.): scozzese.

season: stagione.
The four seasons are: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

shopping: to do the shopping: fare le spese. Shopping centre: centro commerciale.

showroom: a room or a shop where goods for sale are on show.

shuttle: navetta.
A shuttle service is a public service which makes frequent journeys between two places (shuttle bus service: bus navetta). Space shuttle: navicella spaziale (see also spaceship).

small: piccolo.
Small change: moneta spicciola, per telefonare, per esempio.

smoke: fumo.
Smoking: the fact or habit of smoking cigarettes.
Smoking/non-smoking area: reparto fumatori, non fumatori.
Government Health Warning: smoking can seriously damage your health.

soccer: a game in which two teams of eleven players try to kick or head a ball into their opponent's goal.

sorry: spiacente.
"Sorry" and "I'm sorry" are ways of apologising to someone for something.

spaceship: navicella spaziale.
Astronauts travel into space in spaceships. The first space trip took place in 1961.

spare time: tempo libero.
I play tennis in my spare time.

speech: discorso.
A speech is a formal talk in public, usually prepared in advance, and read out the occasion.

speed: velocità.
Speed limit: limite di velocità (in Britain: 30 miles per hour in built-up areas and 70 m.p.h. on motorways). Speedometer: tachimetro.

spelling: chiamare (compitare) un nome lettera per lettera.
Could you spell your name, please?: può fare lo spelling del suo nome, per favore?

spirits: alcolici.
Spirits are strong alcoholic drinks, such as whisky or gin. In this sense the word is always used in the plural.

stamp: francobollo.
Two 50 p. stamps: due francobolli da 50 pence.

States: see USA.

station: stazione.
Petrol stationlgas station (Am. E.): stazione di servizio.

Statue of Liberty: Statua della Libertà. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the freedom many emigrants gained going to America. It was given by France to the United States in 1886.

steward: a steward is a man who looks after passengers on a ship or on a plane.

St. Paul's Cathedral: the cathedral church of London, standing in the City.

strike: colpo, sciopero.
To be on strike: essere in sciopero.

take-off: decollo (contrario: landing).

taste: gusto, sapore; gustare, sapere di. It tastes sweet: ha un sapore dolce.
Do you want to taste this?: vuoi assaggiare?

tea: tè.
Tea in Britain is a light meal taken in the afternoon, with milk and cakes.
Tea break is a short time in the morning or in the afternoon when people stop working to have a cup of tea or coffee (see also coffee).
teacher: insegnante, professore.

In Britain "professor" is the highest rank of the teachers in a university department. In the USA the term refers to teachers in a college or university.

teenagers: people between thirteen and nineteen years of age.

telephone: telefono.
Telephone number: numero telefonico. Phone box: cabina telefonica. Phone directory: guida del telefono. To phone from Italy to Britain you must dial 0041...

thanks, thank you: grazie.
Thanks is less formal than thank you. It is almost the only form you can hear in the USA (see also please).

time: tempo, ora.
What time is it? It's nine o'clock: che ore sono? Sono le nove.
Christmas time: il periodo di Natale. Timetable: orario.

Tower of London: in the past times The Tower was used as a state prison. Now it contains several museums: the most famous one is the Jewel House, containing the Crown Jewels.

traffic lights: semaforo.
Turn right at the lights: al semaforo a destra.

travel: viaggio.
Travel agency: agenzia viaggi. Traveller: viaggiatore.
Travel by car, by train, on foot, by bus, by plane: viaggiare in macchina, in treno, a piedi, in autobus, in aereo.

tube: this is another name for the London Underground, because the tunnels the trains travel along are rounded, just like tubes (see also under¬ground).

UFO: it stands for Unidentified Flying Object. A UFO is an object seen in the sky; it cannot be identified and is often believed to be a vehicle coming from another planet.

underground: metropolitana (Am.E.: subway).
The underground is a railway system in which trains run under the ground (see also tube.)

Union Jack: The Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom: Regno Unito.
UK is the official name for Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

USA: United States of America.
USA is a federal republic. It consists of 50 states: each of the states has its own government. It has a population of more than 200 million people. Its capital is Washington.
Americans say the States when they refer to their own country, but the British usually say America or USA. The latter requires the 3rd person singular of the verb.

Wales: Galles.
It is one of the countries making up Great Britain. It occupies the western part of the island.
Welsh: gallese.

Washington D.C: Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) is the capital city of the United States and the centre of its government. It is situated on the east coast of the USA. It is named after George Washington, the first President of the Union.

weather: tempo atmosferico.
What's the weather like today?: che tempo fa oggi?
Weather forecast: previsioni del tempo.

week: settimana.
Week en : the holidays at the end of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday.

Welfare State: the welfare state is a system in which the government provides free social service such as health and education and helps people giving them some money when they are old, unemployed or sick.

western: occidentale.
A western is a film about life in Western America in the nineteenth century.
whisky (Irish spelling: whiskey): an

alco¬holic drink made from distilling fer¬mented cereals such as barley or rye, that are matured and often blended. It is made in Scotland or Ireland (see also Scotch).

wide: largo, ampio.
How wide is the river? It's 8 yards wide: quanto è largo il fiume? 8 yarde. The meteorite left a 3-mile-wide crater: la meteorite ha lasciato un cratere di tre miglia di diametro.

world: mondo.
He's the most important scientist in the world: è lo scienziato più importante del mondo.

Yankee: A Yankee, or a Yank, is a person from the USA. It is a colloquial term used in British English.

It is a unit for measuring length, equal to 91.4 centimetres (see also measures).

zebra crossing: strisce pedonali.

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